vincent-lax 发表于 2015-7-23 23:53:57

香港郵學會—集郵活動 2015-7-16

香港郵學會2015年7月16日的集郵活动主要是由Dennis Chow主讲与介绍英国混合发行的邮票历史(British Commonwealth Omnibus Issues)

vincent-lax 发表于 2015-7-23 23:59:41

July Club meeting: “British Commonwealth Omnibus Issues” by Dennis Chow
The British omnibus issues have been particularly associated with stamps from the former British Empire, now being British Commonwealth, because of many territories taking part. At early stage, designs were the same for each colony with only the colors, values and colony names being different. Later, a wider range of designs were used within the same issue. The first issue was the Silver Jubilee of 1935. Others have followed, normally on themes related to British Royal Family, but also for topics like Red Cross Centenary (1963) and World Health Organization (1966). Actually, not every colony needs to participate in every issue, but the income produced by the stamps is a valuable source of revenue for many smaller colonies/countries which may have less other ways of fund raising. Officially, from 1935 to 1997, there were 29 British Commonwealth Omnibus sets issued, of which Hong Kong participated in the following 20 issues:-


1935 – Silver Jubilee (Set of 250 stamps)
1937 – Coronation (202)
1945-46 – Peace and Victory (164)
1948-49 – Silver Wedding (138)
1949 – Universal Postal Union (310)
1953 – QEII Coronation
1963 – Freedom From Hunger
1963 – Red Cross Centenary
1965 – International Telecommunications
1965 – International Cooperation        1966 – Churchill Memorial
1966 – UNESCO Issue
1966 – World Health Organization
1972 – Royal Silver Wedding
1973 – Royal Wedding Princess Anne
1977 – Royal Silver Wedding
1978 – 25th Anniversary of Queen Elizabeth’s Coronation
1980 – Queen Mothers 80th Birthday
1981 – Charles and Diana Royal Wedding
1985 – Life and Times of Elizabeth the Queen Mother

vincent-lax 发表于 2015-7-24 00:01:07

vincent-lax 发表于 2015-7-24 00:05:20

Dennis Chow为大家介绍了他15年来所收集到的各国英联邦所发行的邮票,总的说就是99%齐全

vincent-lax 发表于 2015-7-24 00:09:51

香港郵學會主席颁发感谢状于Dennis Chow

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