美國郵政定於今天發行以自由女神頭像和飄揚的美國國旗為圖案的雙橫連無面值“永遠郵票”。郵票面值相當於目前 44美分,但將在今後郵資標準調整時自動調升,可以永遠作為第一類郵件的標準郵資使用。郵票發行樣式為捲筒票,每卷含一百枚。承印美國郵票的三家印刷公司全部參與印刷,總發行量高達驚人的80億枚。自從 2007年發行美國第一種以自由鐘為圖案的“永遠郵票”以來,“永遠郵票”受到美國公眾的普遍歡迎。這次發行的“永遠郵票”圖案是美國形象的典型象徵,中美集郵中心特製首日封,來祝賀這一套“永遠郵票”的發行成功,並記錄
First Day Cover of Lady Liberty and American Flag Forever Coil Stamp
The United States Postal Service will issue two new nondenominated forever coil stamps today. One stamp shows a close-cropped view of the face of the Status of Liberty, and the other features an American Flag waving in a gentle breeze. Each stamp's face value equals to 44 cents now but is good indefinitely for payment in full of the basic domestic letter rate regardless of future rate increases. All three of the Postal Service's stamp printers are being employed to produce the total 8 billion stamps. The public prefers forever stamps over denominated stamps since 2007 the first Liberty Bell forever stamp was issued. The Sino-American Philatelic Center issues this First Day Cover to congratulate the success of this set of forever stamps and leave a record of this unforgettable moment in the U.S. stamp issue history. |